Many relationships hit the rock just because you as a guy don’t do some simple things your girl likes but won’t ask for it.
It may interest you to know that a girl can still leave you to date another guy or even cheat on you just because you’re too insensitive to things you’re supposed to be doing without asking
The things your girlfriend demand from you that you provide are not the ones that keep the relationship, you see some random things you do for her without asking is what makes her always want you more.
Here Are Top 5 Things Your Girlfriend Wants From You But Won’t Ask You
1. Express Your Feelings
Just because you want to form hard guy, it is most likely that you will decide to bottle up your feelings for your babe since you guys are already dating and having sex.
Sometimes, it is good to let go of the bottled up feelings once in a while by letting your girl know how much you love her, how her inclusion into your life has changed things.
These expressions of love will make her want to love you more.
2. Treat Her Right
There is much difference between loving someone so much and treating the person right.
What I mean by treating her right here is treating your girlfriend the way you would like her to treat you.
Imagine her ignoring you completely when she is in the midst of her friends but in most cases girls don’t do this. They will be all over you and treat you like a king in front of their friends.
But we guys are direct opposite when we are in the midst of our friends. Whatever makes you take your girl out to where your friends are, you have to be conscious of the way you treat her in front of your friends.
Don’t abandon her completely to be gisting with your friends, rather involve her in the conversation play with her while your friends are there.
Part of treating her right is always ensuring that you keep in touch with her when she’s not with you. No matter how busy you might be.
if you can stand up to from your busy schedule to go an urinate, then you should be able to make time to call or text your girlfriend.
Girls won’t ask you to do this but when you do, they appreciate it a lot.
3. Say “Ï Love You”
Saying “I Love You” to your girlfriend in odd times means so much to them.
I know some guys who will only say “I Love You” to their girlfriend only when they want to knack or they want to book a pussy appointment.
Imagine her watching movie and you come out from nowhere to kiss her forehead then look her straight in the eyes and tell her “I Love You”.
I can bet she will be unnecessarily happy for the rest of the day. She won’t ask you this but it means a lot!
4. Surprise Her
Apart from her birthdays or anniversaries, do you pull a surprise for your girlfriend once in a while?
Surprises come big on birthdays or anniversaries but it doesn’t mean you have to do it big all time.
Sometimes you can just surprise her with random small gifts or even ordinary preparing her breakfast and bring it to her while she is in bed will go a long way.
No matter how small a random gift is, girls always appreciate getting the gifts without asking for it.
5. Touch Her
Hey!! Keeping close contact with your girlfriend when you’re with her is very important
Touching here does not mean, sexual touching, just holding her in the waist while walking on the street or even playing with her fingers or toes while you both are talking goes a long way.
This little gesture is what your girlfriend wants from you but won’t ask you.
The more you do this, the more she feels connected with you, and the more she wants to be with only you for life.
The End!!
As simple as all these things may sound, many guys are not doing it for their girlfriends.
Brother, it’s not about being a fine rich boy alone, you’ve got to do many unrequested kinds of stuff to remain in the heart of your babe
If any guy does this for your girl on a regular, don’t shout heartbreak when she dumps you. I don talk my own
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