19th April, 2020
TOPIC: Taking Refuge.
BIBLE READING: – Psalms 6 & 7
Text of the day: “O Lordmy God, I take refuge in you; save and deliver me from all who pursue me” (Ps. 7:1).
When we sense our weakness, we hurry to take refuge in a majestic God who acts on behalf of those who love Him. David, deeply aware of his weaknesses, took refuge in God (Ps. 6–7).
Understanding the Text
In deep distress David experienced his own weakness, and cried to God for mercy.
“I am faint” Ps. 6.Many expressions in the Psalms remind us of our fault. This psalm of David expresses our weakness graphically. David, aware that he had no strength left to face life’s challenges, described his feelings of weakness.
1. His bones were in agony
2. His soul in anguish.
3. He was worn out from groaning
4. He flooded his bed with weeping and drenched his couch with tears.
5. His eyes grew weak with sorrow.
These expressions may seem strange coming from a man who boldly faced the giant Goliath and fought fearlessly against Israel’s enemies. But they remind us that there is nothing immature about tears, and nothing shameful in feeling helpless. They also remind us that we have complete freedom in our relationship with God to express our feelings to Him honestly.
David’s words also help us understand why he is commended as a man after God’s own heart. David was totally honest with himself and with the Lord. He was realistic about his weaknesses, and honest about his fears.
A Call for Judgment, God’s sovereign rule is partly expressed in His judgments on mankind. David called on God to judge (punish) the wicked and to make the righteous secure.
“If there is guilt” Ps. 7:3–5. David did not fear to call on God to judge, for he himself had been careful to do what was right.
“Arise, O Lord, in your anger” Ps. 7:6. The Scriptures do teach the anger of God. But God’s anger is unlike ours.
1. It is provoked by sin and injustice.
2. It is righteous, in that it never overreacts nor is vindictive.
3. It may be expressed in present judgments on sinners, but most often is reserved for the final judgment to take place at history’s end.
David’s call for God to arise in anger and judge is rightly motivated. David did not rejoice at the prospect of the wicked suffering. His concern was to “bring an end to the violence of the wicked and make the righteous secure.”
1. We too can call on God to express His anger at the sins in our society.
2. And we can work to implement just laws, intended not to punish so much as to end violence and make the righteous secure.
1. Dishonesty is an attempt to maintain a “macho” {double} image
2. Dishonesty keeps us from acknowledging our weaknesses.
3. Dishonesty keeps us from full dependence on the Lord.
4. David did not rejoice at the prospect of the wicked suffering.
5. It’s dangerous to ask God to judge others if we are guilty of their sins!
Prayer:In my weakness Oh Lord, let me enjoy God’s mercy and find refuge in Him.
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Pastor D.A. Taiwo |
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