15th April, 2020
Text of the day Gen. 15:1.
Faith is far more than mere hope that something unlikely may happen. It is a deep, internal certainty, rooted in our trust of what God has said.
Childless! Abram believed God’s promise that he would have a son, but asked how he could know (15:1–8). God entered into a binding covenant with His servant so he might “know for certain” (vv. 9–13). Yet on Sarai’s urging, Abram fathered a son with her maid, Hagar, leading to family conflict (16:1–16). Fourteen years later God renewed the promise and changed Abram’s name. The 100-year-old Abraham trusted God to give him a child through Sarah, and on God’s command circumcised his household as a sign of faith in the covenant promises (17:1–27).
Understanding the Text
“I am your reward” Gen. 15:1. “Fishing is not a matter of life and death it is more important than that.” Here Abram was reminded that really, a relationship with God is what life is all about. God Himself was Abram’s shield and reward. All Abram had or hoped for was centered in the person of his God. {God is all we have too, and all our hopes are centered in Him. Faith in God’s promises helps keep us focused on the Lord}.
“Abram believed God” Gen. 15:2–6.Despite the fact that he was growing older and was still childless, Abram believed God’s promise of countless offspring. The Bible says God “credited it [his faith] to him as righteousness.” We cannot offer God a sinless life. We have all fallen short, and will fall short again. All we can do is trust God and have confidence in His promise. In grace God accepts our faith and writes “righteous” beside our name.
“Perhaps I can build a family” Gen. 16:1–16. In biblical times, bearing children was viewed by women as giving meaning to their lives. Abram had believed God’s promise, but as the years passed and no children came, Sarai became impatient. Finally she urged Abram to impregnate her maid, Hagar.
According to the customs of those times this was not an immoral act. It was a recognized way to provide a childless wife with children she would then call her own. But in this case, Sarai and Abram made a tragic mistake. The error is expressed in Sarai’s thought, “Perhaps I can build a family.”
How foolish, when God had said He would build Abram’s family! And how foolish of us when we try to do God’s work in our own strength, or insist on imposing our timing rather than wait for the Lord to act.
When we try to do things in our own way or in our own strength, things do not turn out as we intend. The conflict that then dominated Abram’s tents reminds us to wait on God rather than going ahead without His guidance or direction.
“Your name will be Abraham” Gen. 17:1–22. Names were especially important in biblical times. They were intended to make a statement about the character or essential identity of the person or thing named. Abram’s name meant “father,” and he was childless! What a burden that name must have been. God’s incredible promise to Abraham and Sarah was fulfilled. What God says He will do, He can do. And what God tells us to do; He is able to do through us.
God did not say, “A good life on earth is your reward.” He said, “I am.” We need to remember this when troubles come. Our relationship with God through Jesus guarantees us only one thing. God loves us, and He is present with us at even the darkest of times. So let us not waver when hard times come, as though something strange were happening. God’s people have often been enslaved and mistreated. But in it all, we believe and we know. God remains our shield. And He Himself is our reward.
Prayer: Lord Jesus strengthened my faith in you, so I could give glory to God in all my situations
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Pastor & Mrs D.A. Taiwo |
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