19th May, 2020 Topic: Work on yourself BIBLE READING: - 2 timothy 2:15
There is no argument at all that God is all in all. He is indeed Almighty, and says what will happen. There is however an aspect of making those things to happen, which is the responsibility of man. It is not all God! Man has a part to play, and a serious one for that matter, to bring God’s will to pass.
In our text for this morning, Paul the Apostle was advising Timothy, a younger minister to work on himself, to get the approval of God as a workman that needs not to be ashamed. Whatever it means to be approved by God, it is obvious from this text that it cannot be done without man working on himself. Are there areas of your life that need improvements to take you to peak form? Work on them.
Daily Communion With God || Pastor David A. Taiwo
We will need to do our best in our activities, study things we do not know, be diligent in all our assignments, wake up earlier, show more love, reduce the amount of food we eat, do exercise etc. God has done His part; let us do our part to be able to fulfill what He has done. Work on yourself!
There are stories that we read in the Bible that sound unfair, until we understand God’s mind. In the story from the account of St. Matthew 22:8-13; this “innocent man”, who was drafted into a wedding ceremony was punished for not having the wedding dress!
Until we consider the fact that others that were drafted had acquired the dress somehow; we could consider the innocent unfair. Child of God, you can be saved as you are, but do not remain in that state! Work on yourself. Are there areas that do not agree with what you know? Work on them. I want to assure you that there is reward in all our efforts to please the master.
Prayer: Area of my life that is hindering me from getting to the peak, Lord Jesus! Help me to work on them before it is too late.

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