06th June, 2020
Topic: Maximum Returns
BIBLE READING: – Colossians 1 :19-29
A normal person wants maximum returns on his investment. Or who wants to waste his money and do things for nothing? In verse 27 of our text, we understand that Christ in us is our ONLY hope of glory. Christ in us is of course the Holy Spirit.
God has done so much for us to succeed, going to the extent of INDWELLING us. So, He definitely has a right to expect maximum returns on His investment! He has invested Himself into us… Are you meeting His expectations? If not, you are not alone.
As a matter of fact, none of us is meeting His FULL expectations. So, as this week is going to an end, re-dedicate yourself to Him, asking for help to continue in the race.
God invested His ALL in man when Christ died on the cross. On the day of Pentecost {Acts 2}, Christ’s Holy Spirit filled men and He has been here in us Christians since then. But we are so far from where we could or should be…
Thank God His mercy is great towards us. HE DELIBERATELY remembers our frame, that we are dust. So, when we fail, He is not surprised! What love… However, as begins another new day, strive-relying on His Spirit to give Him maximum returns on His investment.
Prayer: heavenly father, help me so that your investments over me will not be a waste in Jesus name.

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