Pastor D. A Taiwo
22ND August, 2020
TOPIC: Obedience: Key To Lasting Prosperity
BIBLE READING: – Genesis 12:1-20
“Abraham blessing are mine….” is a very popular song. Studying through the account of Abraham in the Bible, Abraham did not asked God to bless him with wealth, good health, long life and prosperity. But I realize that in our days and generation these are what we spend our time to emphasize and ask God for during our crusade and revival meetings without much success. We have turned church into a “bless me club” and we have turned God into a Father Christmas.
The only discovery from the account of Abraham about his prosperity was that; Abraham was more like a robot in the hand of God. He was totally addicted to obeying God. Whatever God told him to do he did. The Bible says in Gen.12 that God called Abraham to go to a strange land, a land he “knoweth not”. Abraham never argued with God. God also told him to send away his first son Ishmael and Hagar his mother in compliance with Sarah’s demand, he obeyed. God further told him to sacrifice Isaac his only son, and he obeyed.
Dear reader, can you notice that Abraham’s obedience was so compelling that the Bible says “God blessed Abraham in all things”. What a great prosperity. Today, we are so focused to prayer requesting for all kind of miracles, physical and material blessing and the major key to such a blessing was always neglected. Note that no man can enter any room that is locked without holding its key; our today’s major lesson to us is that “you need the necessary key to open the door of your lasting prosperity, which is obedience to God’s word.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, help me to obey you at all cost
I remain your humble Servant Pastor D. A. Taiwo {ECWA GOSPEL CHURCH GRA BIDA}

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