17th May, 2020
Topic: How far are you going?
Bible Reading: – Psalm 15
If you are going anywhere at all, it means there is still a future ahead. The fact that there is a future pre supposes that there was a past. Your decisions today will create the future. If you have a great future ahead then it means you are going rather far. If you don’t like what you remember or what you are seeing then take better decisions today that will create a good future.
The simple key to creating a great future does not lie in buying the shares of a quoted company but in obedience. The requirements of God are not cumbersome; it depends on what you want out of God. If you want to stand in His Holy hill, that is far, your decisions today will create that future. Remember it was because Saul, the first king of Israel, disobeyed God that he lost the kingdom.
The word of God is our driving mirror. It enables us to see the past in proper perspective. It is also our head lamps; it helps us to navigate when all around us is dark and gloomy.
If you decide to go far, you will need this companion which is the word of God. You cannot do without it. To attempt life’s journey without the word of God is to determine from the beginning not to make too much head way. If you are going far, you must go with the living word of God.
Prayer: Your word would I hid in my heart so I would not sin against you. Lord Jesus, give me your grace to abide by your word, for the rest of my life.

The daily dose of devotionals have always been encouraging filled with great theological and doctrinal truths. Keep up sir.