1st June, 2020
Topic: June Prophetic Declaration
Today is the first day of the month (June 2020) and the first working day of this beautiful week. A week of the goodness and glory of the Lord in our lives, this is the prophetic word for you:
Until God opened the door through the red Sea, no one ever knew there could be a way in the sea. Because of you, God will do the unthinkable and all impossible shall be possible. Every closed doors and opportunities against you shall be forced open by the power of the Almighty God. As there is no one who can stop the wind from blowing nobody will be able to stop you from manifesting your glory, this month of June and the month to come in Jesus name. CAN SOMEBODY SAY A LOUDER AMEN
Happy new month have a blessed days and weeks of this blessed month in Jesus name. Your humble servant Pastor David A. Taiwo

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